5 January 2024

Wrapping Up 2023 - A Transformative Year

Detik Ideal 2023 yearly wrap-up

2023 has been a transformative year for Detik Ideal. Filled with challenges, we managed to turn obstacles into opportunities by dedicating significant time and effort towards a major strategic shift, and also focusing on rebuilding and "growing small".

This year has been marked by resilience, innovation, and growth, setting the stage for an exciting future. Here's a look back at our key milestones to celebrate every accomplishments, no matter how big or small.

Embracing Change and Rebranding

One of our major milestones this year was our brand refresh. This was not just a change in our visual identity, but also a strategic move to align better with our evolving vision and mission. This includes cultivating a new culture and strengthening our core values. Our updated brand identity represents our commitment to innovation, excellence, and a forward-thinking approach in the tech industry.

With the rebranding exercise, we also made a significant move to a new office this year. We believe that this space is more than just a physical location; it's a symbol of our growth and enthusiasm to start afresh. The new environment is designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and productivity, providing our team with the perfect setting to develop cutting-edge solutions.

Design or brand identity kit developed by Detik Ideal as part of our rebranding.
- Detik Ideal's refreshed brand identity -
Detik Ideal workplace setup adopts an open and airy space to cultivate the culture of creativity, collaboration and productivity.
- A new workspace to encourage collaboration and foster productivity  -

Business Diversification

Recognising the shifting landscape and increasing demand, we diversified our business model to focus more on digital design and content. This strategic pivot has allowed us to better serve our clients, explore new markets, and stay ahead in a competitive industry.

With this new offering, we are also able to provide our clients with a 360° digital service - from conception, branding, UIUX design, to development, testing, deployment and support infrastructure. This opens up new avenues for growth and allow us to tap into new markets.

Detik Ideal offers digital design services that includes website design, UI/UX design and content development.
- Our Digital Design Service includes Website, UI/UX and Content Design  -

Developing and Refining Our Suite of In-House Products

Another significant shifts this year was moving from a service-based model to developing our own suite of in-house products. We have consolidated all the engines and frameworks we have developed for the past 20 plus years, and we rebuilt them into our own Digital Ecosystem - a repertoire of pick-and-choose digital modules to address various business requirements including HR, asset management, procurement, CRM and many more.

Just within a year, we managed to complete 3 products that are used internally for our operational efficiency, 1 product that was semi-launched for Proof-of-Concept (POC) with potential clients, and 1 upcoming product in our pipeline to be launched next year.

Detik Ideal digital product development overview in 2023
- Our product development overview for 2023  -

Looking Ahead

As we look forward to 2024, our focus will be on building upon these achievements and navigating the challenges with the same resilience and innovation that defined our 2023.

While it was challenging, it was also a year of learning, adaptation, and small but significant victories. We are grateful to our dedicated team, supportive clients, and partners who have been with us every step of the way. Here's to a prosperous 2024, filled with new achievements and continued success.