Meet Our Idealist
24 July 2024

Meet Mia: A Glimpse into a Product Designer's World

- Illustrations by the Idealist design team -

Being a Product Designer for a tech or an IT company might sound like a glamorous job. We are after all, *proudly*, designers. But truthfully, there is more to us than just arranging pixels, reshaping vectors and matching colors. In this article, I’ll take you through the work that I do, some creative processes, and my day-to-day as a product designer in a small company.

My actual role as a Product Designer

My daily routine summed up
(honestly, it’s never the same)

8:30 - 9:00
First things first, breakfast and coffee in the AM. If you don’t stoke up on fuel, your battery will run low for the rest of the day.

9:00 - 10:30
Catch up on emails, sort yesterday’s piled up to-do list, read up on products and business news, and quickly glance over any tender or project opportunities (I am, after all, placed under the marketing department).

10:30 - 12:30
Focus time - this is where I jump straight into design work to check off all the prioritised to-do lists. I don’t usually do meetings in the AM (unless scheduled by client/stakeholders) because the morning brain is reserved specifically for heavy-weight design/writing/thinking work.

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch break and prayer time.

14:30 - 16:30
Team discussions and meetings, or if not, another round of focus time.

16:30 - 17:00
Review the day’s work, browse for inspiration for the next project, and document any ideas on a moodboard (usually on Figma).

17:00 - ?
In all honesty, most design work stretches beyond office hours. While I strive to complete most tasks during the workday, there are times when I need to pull an all-nighter to ensure a design project gets delivered on time.

Things that keep me going

As a beginner myself, I have yet to know what are the pro tips and tricks to becoming a good product designer. So instead, I’ll just share the things that keep me going – and how they’ve helped make my design work so much more fun.

A product designer's workspace in an IT company
- A glimpse into my workspace. Things do get messy sometimes -