27 March 2024

The Art of Crafting Exceptional UX Design

Illustrations by the Idealist design team

Creating a fantastic UX design is like setting off on an exciting adventure. We start by understanding what users need and want, continue with testing to refine the design, and ensure it's accessible to everyone. As designers, we play the roles of detectives, directors, and hosts, working to create products that users adore. This article delves into the key aspects of this journey: user research, usability testing, and accessibility.

Research: The Detective Work of UX

Imagine being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, we are uncovering what makes users tick. User research is a thrilling journey into understanding users' needs, behaviours, and quirks. Through interviews, surveys, and observations, we gather valuable clues to create a product users genuinely love. UX research should also take a step further beyond just nailing plain "user requirements". In order to craft an exceptional product, your research work should also involve dissecting beloved competitors' products, uncovering branding strategy and tackling market "desirability". Good products attract buyers, but great products ignite desire.

At Detik Ideal, we usually start our design process by consolidating research on readily available solutions, setting up moodboards and strategising our unique selling points before we start to draft our initial designs. These drafts are then used to gather user feedback and comments, allowing us to iterate and improve further. We use online collaboration tools like Figma to facilitate these sessions with our users, stakeholders, and team members - ensuring quick and seamless communication.

- A compilation of various kinds of research work done by our team including product, user and market research -

User research acts like a crystal ball that reveals users' true desires, ensuring the final design hits the mark. We don our detective hats, talk to users, ask insightful questions, and observe interactions. This detective work uncovers hidden insights and patterns that guide our design decisions, resulting in a product that truly resonates with users and exceeds their expectations.

Accessibility Design: Everyone’s Invited

Accessibility in design is like throwing a party where everyone’s invited, including those with disabilities. It's not just about meeting requirements; it's about creating an inclusive experience for all. By following best practices—like providing text alternatives for images, designing interfaces that work with keyboards, and ensuring good colour contrast—designers ensure no one feels left out. A truly great design works for everyone, everywhere.

Detik Ideal's research on contrast ratio for a client to propose additional complementary colors per WCAG.
- Checking contrast ratio as per Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) to propose additional accent color for client   -

Usability Testing: The Dress Rehearsal

Think of usability testing as a dress rehearsal before the big performance. We get to see how real users interact with our creations, spotting any hiccups and areas for improvement. Whether it’s A/B testing to choose the best layout or eye-tracking studies to see where users focus, these tests are like an audience preview that helps us fine-tune the experience. The result? A smooth, intuitive design that feels just right for every user.

- Sample of our User Acceptance Test (UAT) case to help facilitate testing session with end users -

For our testing sessions, our practice is to outline specific scenarios that users might encounter while interacting with the product. Each test case includes a detailed description of the task, expected outcomes, and criteria for success. We also include a section to receive user's feedback and comments. This structured approach helps us identify areas that need improvement and ensures that our design meets user expectations.


Creating a product that truly resonates with users in the ever-changing world of UX design is an exciting journey of discovery and refinement. At DISB, we start by acting as detectives in user research, making sure our designs are inclusive through accessibility, and perfecting every detail with usability testing. One of the best parts of our process is watching the transformation from an initial sketch to a polished, user-friendly final product. It's a journey filled with insights, feedback, and iterations. This comprehensive approach ensures that our designs aren't just beautiful—they're process-driven, practical, inclusive, and truly make a difference for our users.