Meet Our Idealist
2 September 2024

Meet Aina: A Front-End Developer's Life at Detik Ideal

- Illustrations by the Idealist design team -

Where it all began

My journey as a front-end developer at Detik Ideal began almost immediately with a large telco billing project as my very first assignment– quite a daunting one, considering it's my first job and having just graduated. It was a whirlwind of activities, setting the stage for the intensity and excitement that would define my role. Juggling deadlines and ensuring every detail was perfect, I barely had time even for a proper shower or to get home before collapsing into bed. Despite the hectic pace, it ignited my passion for front-end development and marked the start of an incredible career.

My work routine and essentials

From that thrilling beginning, my daily routine has evolved into a well-oiled machine. I kick off each day early to avoid the city’s notorious traffic, allowing me to settle into a quiet workspace before the city stirs. Breakfast is my moment of calm, and I prefer it music-free to maintain laser focus for the challenges ahead. I make sure to take a lunch break to refresh my mind and catch up on some light-hearted gossip with my colleagues. This mid-day pause helps me recharge and keeps the workday both productive and enjoyable.

My toolkit is essential for crafting web interfaces. I work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build engaging experiences. Vue.js and Quasar are my preferred frameworks, enhancing both efficiency and creativity. VS Code is my coding environment of choice, and Git helps me manage and organize my code.

- An overview of my go-to coding tools -

Challenges and the daily grind

But the path isn’t always smooth. One of my daily challenges is handling browser compatibility issues and perfecting user experience designs. With various devices and screen sizes to accommodate, I’m constantly adjusting CSS to ensure a flawless experience across all platforms. It’s a demanding task, but it keeps me motivated and engaged.

Collaboration is key in my role, especially with the product design team. I am often asked on how tools like Figma impact my front-end work. My honest take is that as I wasn’t very creative (in the artistic sense) to begin with, I found the implementation of Figma into our workflow incredibly useful. It helps bridge the gap between design and development, making the transition from concept to code much smoother.

Looking ahead

My journey reflects the vibrant, fast-paced world of web development in Malaysia. Each day presents new challenges and opportunities for growth, and I’m deeply committed to crafting exceptional user experiences. As I navigate the ever-evolving landscape of software development, my passion and expertise will continue to drive me forward, ensuring that I adapt and excel in this dynamic field.